Monday 19 February 2007


Nota para los alumnos de EOI Cartagena:

Para ponerse en contacto con los alumnos del Oberlin College (USA), podéis acceder directamente a su blog en (o bien pincháis aquí: OBERLIN) y veréis a la izquierda todos sus nombres con su fichas 

Poneos en contacto con cada uno de ellos y no olvidéis dejar algún dato de contacto (email o cuenta de SKYPE, si queréis hablar con ellos)

All the best


Barbara said...

Hi Alfonso:

Things seem to be percolating along at our end here...a couple of my students have really "connected" with some of yours and have been communicating regularly outside of class.

Please let me know if you have any students that would like to have a "pareja" but have not found one yet.

By the way, I have several colleagues with classes who also would ike to make connections with Spanish speaking students via email or bogs or Skype. Let me know if you have more students!

Barbara said...

(Me again)

As my students start creating their final projects for this class (and we have some wonderful ones evolving) I would love it if your students could help critique and ask questions of my students as they go along... would they be interested?